Ms. Shagufta Patel Ms. Shagufta Patel has more than 11 years of experience in Filtration and Separation Industry. Currently she is managing research and laboratory services of Parker Hannifin’s Industrial Process Filtration Division. She has been instrumental in technology and product development efforts in oil & gas, petrochemical and aviation fuel filtration applications. Shagufta has PhD in Chemical Engineering from The University of Akron and Bachelor of Technology from Amravati University, India. After her BS she worked at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India as Project Engineer for 2 years. She is author of 8 peer reviewed journals articles, 12 papers in conference proceeding and 2 patents. Since last 12 years, she is actively involved with AFS. In these years she has served AFS in various capacities as a student volunteer, technical session moderator, member of Scientific and Education Committees, Co-Chair of 2 conferences and Chair of Scientific Committee. Currently, she is serving as a AFS Board of Directors. She is recipient of AFS Young Scientist Award in 2013 and Senior Scientist Award in 2016. MS. SHAGUFTA PATEL