BARRY A. PERLMUTTER Perlmutter Idea Development LLC Contact: Barry A. Perlmutter, President Website: Barry A. Perlmutter is an experienced international practitioner with over 38 years of technical engineering and business marketing experience in the field of solid-liquid separation including filtration, centrifugation, and process drying. His strong professional skills in process solutions, innovation strategy, market expansion and business development serves him well in his role as President of Perlmutter Idea Development LLC. P&ID has technical expertise in many areas including industry and process knowledge and new business development.
Barry has published and presented extensively worldwide on applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and energy/environmental industries and has been responsible for introducing many European companies and technologies into the Americas marketplace.
He is an author of Elsevier’s “Solid Liquid Filtration Handbook”. He is currently editing a second book for Elsevier, Integration & Optimization of Unit Operations, to be published in 2022.
That is what we offer our clients — idea development and action to grow and optimize your business and successfully meet your goals. Our clients include established operating companies, engineering companies as well as startup-venture capital groups and suppliers.
Work with us worldwide to develop and manage a process or project, troubleshoot an existing one, ask the correct questions, think critically, offer leadership consulting, develop a new business opportunity, support your marketing strategy, or grow your sales. P&IDs expertise covers a wide range of support activities including our global network of industry leaders in specific fields.